2008年12月29日 星期一

My 22nd B-day (29 Dec 08)

My true self visited me on my birthday, and I was told to do what I wanted to do on my own.

The first thing I wanted to do was to walk around York. I started at 10. It was cloudy and I worried if it would rain. Fortunately, it didn't. I walked along River Ouse, from Fishergate. It was so lovely to the waterbirds. They were so cute and lovely. On the way, I met Helen, walking her dog. She was appreciating the shapes, leaves and seeds of the trees. She told me that she would start an art project about trees and she wanted her students to identify different characteristics of each tree. She taught me about different trees, like ash, sycamore, maple, lime, hawthorn, weep willow, black poplar, lombardy poplar and alder. She broke a branch of an alder for me. I regarded it to be my first birthday present. I liked it. I gave a incence tree bookmark to her. I thought she liked it too. We separated at the last bridge. I kept going upstream.

I passed by a chapel and met some woodland birds. I couldn't reach Linton Lock, as it was too far. I stopped at Rawcliffe Bar bus terminal and returned. I found the way out by following bus no. 2. I was astonished by he houses I passed by. They were as gorgeous as those in Wollongong. They had big gardens. I loved them. I really wanted to be rich enough to buy one!

Then, I shopped at the town. I bought a tote bag. I felt so happy.

I made a big dinner and I was successful to make my first birthday cake.

2008年12月28日 星期日

John (27 Dec 08)

I had dinner at John's home. He made a pie, which had a beef base and a potato crust. Then, we went to a bar to see Mike's performance. I drank Bloody Mary and rum. John took me to some small roads back home. Fantastic!

2008年12月25日 星期四

Edinburgh (19-24 Dec 08)

Hostel: Belford Church Edinburgh

Places I visited:
Princes Street
High Street (Royal Mile)
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral
St. Giles Cathedral
National Gallery of Scotland
Edinburgh Castle
National Museum of Scotland
Museum of Childhood

Night walks in Edinburgh:
On 22nd: Water of Leith, Christian Church, shortcut to Town Center
On 23rd: Botanic Garden, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Dean Gallery,

Places I passed by, impressed:

Things I learnt:

Some Scottish plants:
Scottish Pine
Rock Rose
Mountain Avens

Things I wanna learn/research more:
Robert Burns: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Burns
Queen Mary
Queen Margaret
Gaelic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scots_language
Tartan / clan
Fire punch:
west kowloon cultural hub high level culture audience is bigger easier to move in & out the job

I bought quite a lot in Edinburgh.

2008年12月17日 星期三

Funfishers (12 Dec 08)

Ice skating
Dinner at John's home

(17 Dec 08)

I can't be an elderly befriender cos I dun stay here long enough, but I learnt about Yorkshire Dales and an useful website (http://www.yorkshirewalks.org/) from Vi, the interview. How lucky I am! Thanks God.

Delphine told me about Peter. She gave me a little Christmas wreath and I gave her a moon.

2008年12月15日 星期一

Christmas Snacks (14 Dec 08)

I went to a Christmas snacks party with John, Jake and Jasmine. The party was held at Sally's house in Clifton. I was very surprised with the interesting British food and beverage in the kitchen, which was beautifully decorated with candles. I tried almost every food, an egg drink and mulled wine. They were all nice but most of them were too sweet for me.

Another thing I was very happy with was that I met new people in the party. Many people thought I was Jake's friend, probably because of our similar ages, but actually I knew John, who is much older, before Jake. I talked to Shirley, who is from Hong Kong and is John's Cantonese teacher. I think Shirley's Cantonese is a bit different from mine, in terms of pronunciation and choice of word. I also talked to her husband, who loves traveling. I enjoyed the chat with Mike very much. He shared a lot about martial arts. He is really into Wing Chun and an expert of it. He told me about the importance of the concept of body connection in Wing Chun and a joke, which encouraged me to always question what I've learnt.

John, thank you so much for bringing me to the party. I was very happy that I could have a party with English people at an English home.

2008年12月13日 星期六

Penrith (13 Dec 08)


本小姐極速步行往火車站,中途仲行錯入左冷巷,好在都上到車,我只係用左35分鐘行咋~感謝主... 但上到車發現無帶rail card >.<::: 好在D火車叔叔無check...

由York去Preston個程車中途因為個brake有事而搞到我趕唔到下一班車,於是火車叔叔係架車上面出左張一連三格既飛俾我搭之後個班。張飛好特別,我好 中意的呀,但代價就係遲左成個鐘先到!我於是就問隔離一對情侶借電話打俾Keith,佢地好好人呀,我俾返30p電話費佢地話唔使~

Penrith Castle:爛得黎好靚,認返D部份最好玩。
Post Office@City Center:寄野返HK。
King Arthur's Round Table:個圓圈綠柔柔幾靚,但好多兔仔窿同兔仔便便。
Brougham Hall:個建築同感覺好似Durham,可能因為兩者都係Norman吧!
Clifton Hall Pele:感覺不錯,裏面除左D fireplace,好似內地農民D屋。周圍就似元朗D劏車場。

個 行程最特別就係完全唔使入場費,但行好多路,沿途跟本無其他人,得D車。其實呢個trip係辛苦既。成日都落緊雨,我地件衫同鞋都濕左,好鬼凍 >.< 我行到腳趾生左個水泡、塊面同對手吹到又紅、又痛。Keith準備既野食成功咁安撫住我。最後我拎左D植物部份同一舊石頭做紀念~


2008年12月5日 星期五

Christmas Fair (5 Dec 08)

I had my first piece of Christmas cake from Alex. It was Yorkshire, quite nice.

Both Fishergate Primary School and St George's Primary School had their Christmas Fair today. Funfishers staff members sold homemade buns and biscuits at both schools. I visited and helped both schools.

Many stalls were set up by the primary students. They were very creative. Each stall had different ideas and themes to attract the visitors. It was interesting to see adults playing at children's stalls. Also, I think setting up the stalls was a good learning experience for the children. At the end of the Fair, I bought cheap biscuits. The lady was teaching the girl to use one hand for food and another hand for money. The girl kept using wrong hands but I think the girl did learn something about hygiene.

I sold several buns and biscuits at St George's within ten minutes. I felt happy. I met John at Fishergate.