2009年6月7日 星期日




There's no time for short cuts.

I don't know my name, they keep calling me handsome.

Stephen Gillan is, like a fine wine, ageing well.

Stephen Gillan ate his essay up for breakfast then spat it up for lunch.



2009年6月6日 星期六

(6 Jun 08)


(5 Jun 08)

Monks Cross

(1 Jun 08)


(25 May 2009)

I met a Swedish boy at MInster. He was just 16. We chatted a lot and I could tell he was very smart. He told me he had AS. Usually people with AS are smart. I was correct again. :)

(27 May 2009)

I had my final linguistic lecture and seminar today. To be honest, I found Mr Jonny Butler attractive...

(28 May 2009)

It was probably the happiest day I'd ever had in York.

I met A when entering Central Hall. I didn't know why I felt happy and sweet when I saw him. I asked him about the past papers. I said I didn't understand most questions at all. He said he could answer only half of them. He agreed that last year's module content might be different. It was a big relief before the exam. The exam was easier than I had expected. I felt fine. I walked to Halifax with him. It was my first time to visit Halifax. He invited me for a coffee and we chatted a lot.

I think we have similar interests, ambitions and situations. At least, our brains are both programmed for syntax. But you are right, the ways we think about syntax are different. Your adjunct question was a good edvience. Thank you for your advice. It is very helpful.

You say I am s... and I need to be d...

At nite, I had a nice chat with Max.


1) Dr. Hoare at St John York

I met Dr. Hoare finally. The whole story was really amazing. I didn't have a sim card. That meant I could hardly phone anyone. I borrowed my neighbour's phone once, but I found I didn't really know how to phone the others... I thought I wouldn't be able to contact Dr. Hoare and his friend, John, so I thought 算啦,無計.

My friend KaYuk and I are interested in volunteering for a green group, and we were invited to meet with the coordinator at the St John York work fair last Thursday. I knew that I might meet my IEd classmates there, so whenever I see Asians, I asked "係咪教院架?". If I got no response, I just went straight away, nothing happened, and I would not be embarrassed~ I did ask non-IEd students and got no response.

We went to different receptions to ask about the work fair, but we were told that it was held last Wednesday, not Thursday. We were about to leave. At the entrance, I saw 2 Chinese girls so I asked again. From their facial expression and Cantonese, I knew I met the correct people. They were very surprised to see us there, but they thought KaYuk was an IEd student, rather than me... Actually, I was happy. Maybe I no longer look like a teacher. Great!

We chatted and they told me Dr. Hoare was there. I asked where he was. They pointed outside. I felt strange. "What? Outside?" I thought. I turned back. After several seconds, Dr. Hoare was walking inside with other lecturers.

KaYuk and I both think that the encounter with Dr. Hoare was unbelievable. Dr. Hoare thought I waited for him at the campus -.-... Haha~

2) KaYuk at the Uni of York

KaYuk is a HK girl. She is a Yr2 student, doing Math. She is also my neighbor. More surprisingly, her classmates are my friends.

3) Victor on the Train to York

On the first day, I met 2 HKers on the train to York. One is them is a boy and he heard about me from Carmen, a PGDE student who is my friend and his coworker.

4) Carmen in the WWF Training

I met Carmen in the WWF training. To our surprise, we knew the same home stay family in Australia. I was the first student, and her best friend, Jennifer, was the second student after me. We both love our home stay parents very much.

5) People of Different Green Organizations

6) Mary and I on the Wollongong Highway

(14 Nov 08)

We (Vanbrugh, Le Page Court, Block B, 2/F) didn't have hot water for 2 days. I knew it on day 1 when I was already naked in the bathroom. So I had my first very cold water shower at York last Tuesday. On day 2, I suggested Kayuk have a hot shower together in Block A, which is not far and we can walk to there just through a corridor. The water was fixed today and it became much hotter than before. Delphine and Dom told me that they froze when they had the cold shower. I asked Dom why he didn't go to Block A. He said he hadn't thought of it. Haha~ I am real smart.

I heard some noise outside my room. When I opened the door, a stranger was stealing the cigarettes from my picture. I was very clam but I wondered why he was at my block. He told me he was partying in the big kitchen and he knew Isaac and Tom. I felt much relieved that I also knew his friends. He said sorry but I said he had destroyed my art and name. I could say 'art' cos I had been immersing in leaps of drama readings. I always came across terms like 'art', 'asthetic' and 'symbolic'. He gave me 1 pound and then more coins. He said the money would be enough to buy a new pack of cigarettes. (TBC)

(8 Nov 08)

Kayuk and I went to St Nicks again for the young friends of St Nicholas Fields lauching meeting. We started the day with a treasure hunt. We looked for three different kinds of leaves and a bag of chocolate. What a surprise. I liked the game design very much!

Then, we discussed some details of the project. Kayuk is getting more and more 寸 but her words really 中points. Our agreed comment was that the suggested projects would be 雷聲大雨點小. Some people seemed to be very excited and agresssive, but we believed some people would only 三分鐘熱度. We both think Michelle was a good leader, getting them back from too much fantasy. One very important point: all of us were all very happy with the snacks! We liked the practicals much more though.

Again, we shopped at Morrisons -.-" I bought much less things this time, cos I didn't have any money left for this week.

I love chatting with Keith >3< I can learn so much from you!

(7 Nov 08)

I visited John, Dr. Hoare's friend, who lives so close to my Uni. We had a nice chat. He told me about his job -- writing English textbooks. I visited his garden. I got a green apple from his garden but the apple tree is grown by the next door. I had lunch with him and his children. Delicious~ He drove me to the Chinese supermarket. Thanks so much.

I bought a white rose necklace and a skirt ^^~ Reasonably priced. Happy.

Five of us had a French dinner together.

Had a long chat with the Hong Kong girl living on the 1st floor. WoW. Thanks for sharing so much with me. I always think mutual respect is important.

(6 Nov 08)

I knew I would definitely skip lessons here, but, to my surprise, I did this in Week 4, and just for 2 more hour sleep. Anyway, I didn't regret or feel bad at all for skipping lectures. I do need more sleep.

(5 Nov 08)

I learnt something new from Structure of English, but I don't quite buy the new idea. I have questions. I need answers.

(4 Nov 08)

I had my first Syntax and LVC lectures today. I was very happy that I have a Japanese teacher teaching me syntax because I have never been taught by a Japanese before. But I didn't really enjoy the lecture. He spent so much time discussing simple concepts, which can be read from the required text. I know students here love getting conclusion from heated debate, but I prefer reading books on my own. This is learner's difference.

(1 Nov 08)

Kayuk and I participated in the Eco-active Day at St Nicks today. We weeded a part of a garden and then made a path! We learnt a lot, including how to make a path and how to use the tools. It was hard work. More than 10 people helped with the path, but it still took us an hour to add only two woods. We had pumpkin soup and bread in return. Tasty~

I shopped again... I bought a lot of food again. I had kipper yesterday and cod lion tonite. I tried goat milk too. I know I am very lucky. Thanks HSBC.

(31 Oct 08)

It was Halloween. To be honest, I was not much interested in Halloween activities. I didn't buy costumes or plan to join any parties. I thought I would "celebrate" on my own with a beer and a bar of French chocolate given by my floor mates. Actually, I already felt contented.

But at the last moment, I forced myself to do something for this festival, as I knew this was very likely to be the only Halloween I had in the UK. I really wanted to know what English young people do for Halloween. There was a party at the kitchen downstairs. People were dressed up. I walked around and gave out chocolate. There were no scaring or haunted houses. This Halloween night was like a dressing party more... I chatted with them and took photos with them.

(30 Oct 08)

It was my first day to volunteer in the UK. I did different practical work with some other men. In the morning, we made sticks with one end sharp and cleaned the paths. A boy showed me drugs and a needle he found while cleaning the paths. A man told me that drug users always take drugs in the bushes. I was shocked. In the afternoon, we picked the rubbish and moved heaps of twigs to the compost area. While picking the rubbish in the bushes, we found a luggage and some clothes. Obviously, someone lived there but he left. It was unbelivable for me... We saw some lovely winter robins around us. They were not afraid of us. They seemed to cheer us up. We also saw a colorful pheasant too.

I was happy to meet those people, although I didn't quite understand their English. They were willing to chat with me though. A smart man told be much about the UK and taught me English words. I hope I can meet them again.

I gave my neighbor my daffodil.

(29 Oct 08)

Kayuk and I finally sucessfully saw Michelle.

(28 Oct 08)

Tom came out from his room with a man dressed in a black suit with a poppy. The man is handsome and they look alike. I guess the man is Tom's father. And now I know why Tom is handsome. It's all because of his father! By the way, the poppy appeal has been launched. Many people have poppies on their clothes. I want one too. I have one in HK but mine doesn't go with a green leaf >.<...

I borrowed Tom's phone again, and this time I successfully contacted John and Keith. Tom told me that I can watch TV online. Oh! I should have asked him earlier!
At night, when I was chatting with Keith at the computer, Dom was back! I was so excited. I went to my door and I forgot my slippers -.-... I was so much worried that my paper planes scared him away. He told me his grandfather died. I know he is very unhappy. He blushed and held back his tears, but I heard him sniff in his room...

(27 Oct 08)

At night, I went for free pizza. I chatted with Rich, who told me a lot about English varieties. He said that one's accent represents his / her identity. He is from Scotland, but he feels pity that he has lost the Scottish accent. He also told that different accents have different psychological effects. Scottish has calming effect and is used when dealing with complaints. Liverpool accent sounds stupid. RP sounds authoritative.

I couldn't go clubbing because of the dress code >.<... What a shame...

(13 Oct 08)

The campus is bigger than those of the University of Wollongong as well as the HKIEd. I walked around to get familiarized with the place. I saw different waterbirds and flowers.

(12 Oct 08)

I saw officers of different nationalities at Heathrow Airport. I felt that the UK is an international country, just like Australia. It is a shame that HK always claims herself to be international, but most citizens are Cantonese. I met a Hongkonger there too. We were on the same flight to Manchester. He was so kind that he let me sit by the window to see the view outside, which was gorgeous.

I met 2 York students from HK at Manchester Airport. We took the train and taxi together. A British lady I met at the train station made me feel that UK people might not be as nice as Australians.

On the train, the two Hongkongers told me a lot about York. To my surprise, Vincent knows Carmen, who told him about me. The world is really small.

Senior students at the Reception seemed to be nice, but I felt that I couldn’t get into their culture. This is my intuition, which is always accurate. I was told that I had been led to a wrong room after unpacking and cleaning up almost everything. I felt that I had been fooled. I found that I couldn’t understand the native speakers. I was shocked. I asked myself why my English suddenly became so bad. I just hadn’t had lectures for 4 months.

Olidia was so kind that she went to Morrisons with me. I cried while shopping. A guy I met at the pantry reaffirmed my presumption that UK people were not as nice as Australians. I really didn’t like to stay here.

I cried many times. I really wanted to leave the place and go back home. The first person I thought of was my home stay mum. She just treated me so nice during my stay but I took it for granted. I felt shameful and sorry. I missed my mum and dad too.

At night after shower, I went for a walk to relax myself. I came across an injured pigeon, but I could do nothing but leave. I saw many empty beer bottles and cans in the corridor, which was not likable.

I wrote to my home stay mum. At midnight, Augustine phoned my mum for me. Thanks so much!

(11 Oct 08)

13-hour flight was definitely a pain. I had no one to chat with. I felt bored and lonely. I forced myself to sleep to kill time. The meals were bad. I don’t understand why Prof. Kirkpatrick and Dr. Hoare are willing to leave their home countries for so long to work in Hong Kong.