2009年6月6日 星期六


1) Dr. Hoare at St John York

I met Dr. Hoare finally. The whole story was really amazing. I didn't have a sim card. That meant I could hardly phone anyone. I borrowed my neighbour's phone once, but I found I didn't really know how to phone the others... I thought I wouldn't be able to contact Dr. Hoare and his friend, John, so I thought 算啦,無計.

My friend KaYuk and I are interested in volunteering for a green group, and we were invited to meet with the coordinator at the St John York work fair last Thursday. I knew that I might meet my IEd classmates there, so whenever I see Asians, I asked "係咪教院架?". If I got no response, I just went straight away, nothing happened, and I would not be embarrassed~ I did ask non-IEd students and got no response.

We went to different receptions to ask about the work fair, but we were told that it was held last Wednesday, not Thursday. We were about to leave. At the entrance, I saw 2 Chinese girls so I asked again. From their facial expression and Cantonese, I knew I met the correct people. They were very surprised to see us there, but they thought KaYuk was an IEd student, rather than me... Actually, I was happy. Maybe I no longer look like a teacher. Great!

We chatted and they told me Dr. Hoare was there. I asked where he was. They pointed outside. I felt strange. "What? Outside?" I thought. I turned back. After several seconds, Dr. Hoare was walking inside with other lecturers.

KaYuk and I both think that the encounter with Dr. Hoare was unbelievable. Dr. Hoare thought I waited for him at the campus -.-... Haha~

2) KaYuk at the Uni of York

KaYuk is a HK girl. She is a Yr2 student, doing Math. She is also my neighbor. More surprisingly, her classmates are my friends.

3) Victor on the Train to York

On the first day, I met 2 HKers on the train to York. One is them is a boy and he heard about me from Carmen, a PGDE student who is my friend and his coworker.

4) Carmen in the WWF Training

I met Carmen in the WWF training. To our surprise, we knew the same home stay family in Australia. I was the first student, and her best friend, Jennifer, was the second student after me. We both love our home stay parents very much.

5) People of Different Green Organizations

6) Mary and I on the Wollongong Highway
