2009年6月6日 星期六

(14 Nov 08)

We (Vanbrugh, Le Page Court, Block B, 2/F) didn't have hot water for 2 days. I knew it on day 1 when I was already naked in the bathroom. So I had my first very cold water shower at York last Tuesday. On day 2, I suggested Kayuk have a hot shower together in Block A, which is not far and we can walk to there just through a corridor. The water was fixed today and it became much hotter than before. Delphine and Dom told me that they froze when they had the cold shower. I asked Dom why he didn't go to Block A. He said he hadn't thought of it. Haha~ I am real smart.

I heard some noise outside my room. When I opened the door, a stranger was stealing the cigarettes from my picture. I was very clam but I wondered why he was at my block. He told me he was partying in the big kitchen and he knew Isaac and Tom. I felt much relieved that I also knew his friends. He said sorry but I said he had destroyed my art and name. I could say 'art' cos I had been immersing in leaps of drama readings. I always came across terms like 'art', 'asthetic' and 'symbolic'. He gave me 1 pound and then more coins. He said the money would be enough to buy a new pack of cigarettes. (TBC)
